Call Tracking: Use a Call Extension to Increase Your Conversion Rate

We live in a world where everything happens online. There is a popular misconception that people donā€™t call phone numbers anymore. However, research shows that including phone numbers with your digital advertising efforts can be extremely beneficial, even if your business does not heavily rely on phone calls. Here is an example of how a […]

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Buying and Selling Phone Calls ā€“ Real Time Call Auctions, Pre-Qualification and More

Buying and Selling Phone Calls ā€“ Real TimeĀ Call Auctions, Pre-Qualification and More Download our presentation from LeadsCon –Ā Buying-and-Selling-Phone-Calls Table of contents: Types of calls: Formats Consumer dialed calls Consumer dialed calls with data leads Warm call transfers Warm call transfers with data leads Ad Copy Branded Category Call Qualification Duration Geography IVR Form Data Concierge […]

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What will define success through the digital evolution of marketing?

Video Transcription Joe CharlsonĀ : ā€œWhat will define success through the evolution of digital marketing?ā€ I think it really rests on two key tenets. You need to understand analytic marketing and you need to understand how to build strong brands and have a passion for it. You need to be able to marry those two. Thereā€™s […]

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How can marketers build their brand in this increasingly fragmented marketing environment?

Video Transcription Joe CharlsonĀ : Whenever Iā€™m asked the question: ā€œWhat advice would you give to a brand marketer in this increasingly digital media environment?ā€ I really always say the same three things. Itā€™s about relationships, relationships, relationships. Brands are relationships. And you canā€™t lose sight of that and you canā€™t get sort of off track […]

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What general marketing advice do you have for education marketers as they look forward?

Video Transcription Joe CharlsonĀ : If youā€™re not maximizing the search channel, you need to do that. Paid search or organic search. Paid is easier, perhaps, to master than organic. But the reason Google is such a wonderful company and the opportunity for marketers is its intent. Itā€™s expressing the intent. And you can, through sophisticated […]

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What are you using new marketing data to get a better understanding of?

Video Transcription Joe CharlsonĀ : Iā€™m using new data to better understand our markets, our market opportunity, our return on our marketing dollar, but also how to make our students more successful. We continue to evolve in new and interesting ways to say where is the best location for Brown Mackie College. Whereā€™s the next best […]

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