Sales Automation Software FAQ

In the business world, time is money. Sales automation software streamlines some of the processes within your company so that your employees are more efficient and productive. Learn more about how this type of software works and how your company may benefit from it.


What’s the difference between sales automation software and customer management software?
Many of the features and functions of sales automation software and customer management software (CRM) overlap. However, the primary difference between them is where they work in the sales process. The function of CRM software is to manage the information and history of contacts, while sales automation software optimizes the work of the sales team.


What parts of the sales process can be automated?
Any step in the sales process that relies on repetitive tasks can be automated through software. This includes important actions like sending emails to customers and scheduling meetings, but other processes include:


  • Lead distribution and prioritization. Instead of randomly selecting leads to contact, the software can look for individuals based on demographics, location or sales history so your sales team can concentrate on the ones most likely to convert.
  • Report generation. The software automatically produces reports so the sales manager can spend more time analyzing the information and making decisions to benefit the company
  • Sales alerts. One of the most practical advantages of working with sales automation software is the ability to track the sales process. The system can notify the team when a customer takes an action and monitor the progress of team members to identify where they are most and least effective.


What features are most useful?
The most useful features of sales automation software varies from business to business. Some of the most popular features include:


  • Chatbots that initiate contact with customers and engage with them until a member of the sales team is able to take over the conversation.
  • Contact management through sales automation software does more than store customer information. It actually tracks where leads are in the sales process.
  • Contact reminders help your employees stay in touch with existing customers and interested leads without placing additional demands on their time.
  • Sales forecasting features gather all of the available information about customers and the sales team so managers can set goals and monitor progress.
  • Workflow management provides insight into the performance of each team member so managers can compare how their daily tasks translate to conversions.


Is sales automation software worth the investment for a small business?
Investing in sales automation software can be a game changer for small businesses that need to maximize the work of their team members. Seemingly small tasks like following-up with customers and responding to leads are important, but they also can be time-consuming. Automating systems frees up your employees’ time so they can concentrate their efforts on actions that lead to higher conversion rates.