Which Type of Call Center Management Software is Right for You?

Whether you’re running a small, local business or managing a regional franchise, your call center plays an integral role in the company’s success. It’s where you connect with customers, process orders and solve problems. The quality of your call center can make or break your business, so it’s important to choose the right call center management software.


Who Needs a Call Center
When you first start your business, you may not need more than one person answering the phone. As the company grows, so does the challenge of providing top notch customer service. A call center helps you do that primarily by distributing the workload evenly between your employees and reducing caller wait time.


Types of Call Center Management Software
One of the first decisions you have to make when setting up a call center is the type of software you want to use. Most programs fall into one of three categories: on-site, cloud-based or virtual software.


  • On-Site call center management software physically exists in your building. These systems usually come with specialized hardware and equipment that must be installed in your facility. In many cases, this type of software is more expensive than other options, but it gives you increased security and more control over the system.
  • Cloud-based software is hosted in the cloud. This eliminates the need for a centralized call center. Your call center can be anywhere that has access to the internet, and you don’t have to worry about maintaining the system. Cloud-based call centers have a reputation for being flexible, affordable and reliable.
  • Virtual call center software is a hybrid of on-site and cloud-based systems. Like cloud-based software, it is an online system that does not require physical space in your building. Many of these systems do have servers in a physical location, making this an option for companies that want to store data locally without investing in an on-site system


Factors to Consider
When choosing call center management software, you have to consider the needs of the company and identify what features are most important. Although cost, installation and security may be the deciding factors, you should also think about flexibility, reliability and integration with other programs you currently use. Look for software that enhances your teams’ work and helps them work collaboratively.


If you know it’s time to invest in call center management software, it’s time to find out how CallerReady can help. Explore our suite of tools at callerready.com or call (888) 800-4844 to speak with a member of our team. We’re ready to answer your questions and give you the information you need to choose the best software for your company.