The Future of Lead Management is Pay-Per-Call

Pay-per-call merketing


In today’s world, almost all marketing channels have gone mobile. Whether it is an email campaign, display ads or social media marketing, chances are over half of your end users are opening and viewing on their mobile phone. In 2016 alone, it is estimated that marketers in the US spent close to 23 billion dollars for mobile display advertising. The increase in mobile usage has also brought a change in consumer behavior and how customers are engaging with advertising.

In 2016, Google announced two very interesting facts. First, mobile search has overtaken desktop searches and also, they estimated that 61% of mobile search queries result in a phone call to a business. This is a massive market to tap into and shows that phone calls are truly the future of mobile commerce. Customers want an easy user experience, quick results and professional advice anywhere and anytime on the go. In simple terms, as a business, if you enable pay-per-call marketing, there is a huge opportunity to obtain qualified leads and substantially increase your conversion rates.

lead management


Why Is Pay-Per-Call the Future of Online Marketing ? It Drives Revenue

A recent study by the BIA/Kelsey analyst firm indicated that 66% of the marketers they polled considered phone calls the most valuable type of lead for their business. Why? Calls drive revenue. Pay-per-click marketing historically has a conversion rate of about 1-2% whereas pay-per-call conversion can range from 30-60%. In addition to your pay-per-call advertising efforts, all of your marketing should be optimized to support calls. Here are a few key tips to keep in mind:

  • Include Phone Numbers in  Your Title Tags to Increase Calls from Organic Search Results
  • Make Sure Your Landing Page Has a ‘Tap to Call’ Button for Mobile
  • Whether It’s Email, Print Ads or a Lead Form, Always Incorporate Your Business Phone Number.

While many affiliate advertisers, publishers, and networks have historically only focused on online pay-per-click leads, there is no doubt that the shift needs to be made to mobile calls to remain competitive in today’s market and the future.

If your organization is ready to shift towards enhanced digital marketing campaigns that include pay-per-call, Caller Ready can provide complete control and support over your lead management call campaigns. If you would like to learn how your business can increase its revenue and conversion through quality leads, contact us or call 1.877.800.4844 to request a demo.